About Cleantech

CLEANTECH is a pioneering energy tech company that discovered the synergies between the energy sector and computing long before it became a mainstream concept.

CLEANTECH Specialize in Sustainable Energy Solutions, With a strong presence in the MENA and the USA, We are committed to leading the charge towards a cleaner, more efficient, and sustainable future. Pursuing a differentiated portfolio of wasted, stranded, and clean energy sources to power digital infrastructure via convert Flared Gas into electricity onsite for data center to Mine Cryptocurrency .

CLEANTECH aims to help alleviate harmful methane emissions caused by oil and gas production landfill by eliminating routine flaring to reach ESG goals and unlock the value from stranded resources and to reach sustainable target in Zero Routine Flaring Initiative by 2030.

CLEANTECH Has A strategic partnership with Enerhash Group AG in MENA .the two companies are proud to announce a strategic partnership to accelerate the clean energy technologies transition in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Enerhash Group AG

Enerhash develops flare gas utilization projects by flexible energy systems and computing infrastructure to maximize the value of power generation and reduce emissions.

Enerhash enables the flexible use of energy systems by integrating computing infrastructure to maximize the value of power generation and reduce emissions.

Enerhash Group AG will invest in Sultanate of Oman ($300 Million) in setting up a ‘large-scale data center’ by develops flare gas utilization projects and innovative low-cost solution that captures wasted natural gas from the oil field and converts it into electricity to power advanced, modular Data Centers co-located onsite, for Bitcoin mining, hosting, processing, and mining data for various applications, such as AI, distributed ledger technologies, blockchain, and fintech.

Enerhash’s Flare Gas Digitalization System (FGDS)

Enerhash’s Flare Gas Digitalization System (FGDS) is an innovative low-cost solution that captures wasted natural gas from the oil field and converts it into electricity to power advanced, modular Data Centers co-located onsite. Eliminates flare gases by establishing a pipeline connection to the existing gas pipeline that feeds into the flare torch. The treated gas is subsequently routed to a gas engine, where it is used for power generation. This electricity powers state-of-the-art data centers that require a continuous energy supply at a constant rate, thereby facilitating the elimination of flare gases during operational periods.

Enerhash(FGDS)system is responsible for optimizing the number of servers in the Data Center to function as a base load power consumer. As the quantity of flare gas fluctuates, the system must dynamically respond by adjusting the number of active servers within the Data Center.

Bitcoin mining and Flared gas

Bitcoiner environmental-capitalists have championed flared gas mining as a shining example of “Bitcoin fixes this” — and for good reason. However, a flared gas Bitcoin mine isn’t a simple plug-and-play operation; it’s highly complex and as nuanced and idiosyncratic as the oilfield itself. In contrast, bitcoin mining has been an ever-growing environmental concern since its more recent inception about 12 years ago. While the greenhouse gas emissions of flared gas and bitcoin mining are old and new challenges.

Bitcoin is increasingly being considered and adopted as a strategic reserve not only at the national level but also at the institutional and state and local municipality levels.

Bitcoin’s potential, we can expect to see continued growth and adoption. Because of its accessibility, censorship resistance, and immutability,

Bitcoin offers opportunities for financial empowerment and technological advancement, which leads to a brighter future for all Americans.

Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits is Another potential avenue for using the energy provided by captured flare gas is in the area of carbon credits. Theoretically speaking, many countries could not only reduce its own carbon footprint by capturing flare gas, but it could engage the international market by selling carbon credits via the blockchain. This would provide immutable proof of the nation’s efforts and a potential temporary revenue stream as it pursues the reduction of its dependence on fossil fuels.

Oil Waste Treatment Systems - High Volume, Low Energy, Low Carbon Footprint

In partnership with SAS Environment Services

We provide oil waste treatment systems that are capable of processing from 1 ton/h up 120 ton/h and do so with low energy requirements. Our MIST process combines our unique SludgeTreat chemicals with proven and robust engineering. We can supply our MIST systems for use with crude oil sludge, tank bottom sludge, drill cuttings and drilling mud slops.

MIST Process

Because we are the original developers of the unique microemulsion chemistry for oil waste treatment we can provide advanced capabilities in waste treatment. These include the ability to split oil waste such as drilling slops, oil-based mud waste, production waste, oil sludge, refinery waste and other types of oil waste.

This means we can recover virtually all hydrocarbons and separate out the water and solids. In many projects this means waste reduction of over 80% and full recovery of the economic value of the oil.

SAS Drill Cuttings Treatment Process

The SAS Process - What It Is

At SAS Environmental Services we have developed a process that allows these liquid wastes to be treated fast and effectively compared to thermal treatment or de-watering attempts. The SAS-ES process and approach is unique and has a proven track record in use around the world since 2002. We work with our clients to optimise their drilling waste management. Prevention is always better and by collaborating with our clients we first of all identify where changes can be made to the current process that will reduce drilling waste volumes.

SAS Oil Waste Services LLC

We provide our unique chemistry and oil waste treatment systems to the market in Oman from our office in Muscat.

SAS MIST systems are capable of treating oil based drill cuttings, water based cuttings and drilling mud slops. Whether you need to process a range of waste materials at your waste management site or if you want to treat and reduce your waste at the rig site.

The SAS MIST cuttings treatment system will process 40 – 80 ton/hr of cuttings and do so with very low energy requirements and so a very low carbon footprint.

Our mobile MIST units can be deployed at the rig site and produce dry cuttings while recovering valuable mud.

The treatment of oil sludge from production, pipeline cleaning or tank bottom sludge is possible at very processing rates between 5 ton/hr and up to 120 ton/hr.

The MIST process will recover valuable oil and reduce solids for disposal or bioremediation by 80 – 95%.

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